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mysql_split_count_rows Function

mysql_split_count_rows - Show number of rows of specific page of MySQL Table.


string mysql_split_count_rows ( string table_name, array condition, array split)






Name of the table where data is needed to be inserted.

Input Example: "table_name"






Condition that you want to be:

Input Example: $condition["field_name"]["eq"] = "name";

Which means delete rows whose value of field is equal to string name i.e field_name = "name"

Other functions for conditions where eq can be replaced with:

eq - Equivalent to =

neq - Equivalent to !=

gr - Equivalent to >

sm - Equivalent to <

gre - Equivalent to >=

sme - Equivalent to <=

li - Equivalent to LIKE

nli - Equivalent to NOT LIKE

lip - Equivalent to %LIKE%

libp - Equivalent to %LIKE

liap - Equivalent to LIKE%

nlip - Equivalent to NOT %LIKE%

nlibp - Equivalent to NOT%LIKE

nliap - Equivalent to NOT LIKE%

regex - Equivalent to REGEXP

regex - Equivalent to REGEXP

nregex - Equivalent to NOT REGEXP

in - Equivalent to IN

nin - Equivalent to NOT IN





"false" to display all result or enter array in following way:

$split["page"] = 4;
$split["rpg"] = 5;

You cannot change the keys name i.e keys here are page and rpg. However you can change the values, page is the page number or you can say current page, while rpg means results per page or rows per page.

Input Example: $split["page"] = 4; $split["rpg"] = 10;





Error: No table ("table_name") or field ("field_name") exists. Field entered in condition or update_items either does not exist or table_name entered does not exists.


Example 1





$condition["field_name"]["eq"] = "Some Value";


$split["page"] = 2;
$split["rpg"] = 5;


echo mysql_split_count_rows("tablename" ,$condition, $split);



Number of rows of page 2 would be returned.




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