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Insert Unique Row in MySQL Table Example

This example shows you to insert unqiue row in mysql table, if you do not insert unique row, it would return you string "NOT UNIQUE".



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<title>Insert Unique Row Example</title>

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<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td height="50" align="center" bgcolor="#FD3E27"><h1>Insert Unique Row Example</h1></td>

<p class="nText">This example shows you to insert unique data into table, try refresh and see the error NOT UNIQUE.</p>
<p class="eText">Following is the output of current example:</p>

<p><span class="oText">


$row["field_1"] = "Item3";
$row["field_2"] = "Item2";

$unique[0] = "field_1";

echo mysql_insert_row("table_name_1", $row, $unique);





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